‘You’ season two review

Photo courtesy of Kali Schneider

By Kali Schneider, Collegiate correspondent.

“You” has become popular among teens and young adults since it was released on Netflix. The show follows a young man named Joe who becomes obsessed over a woman he barely knows. He uses all of today’s accessible information to find out every bit of information about her.

Season one was released on Netflix and after binging it, the viewers anxiously awaited another season. On the day after Christmas, Netflix finally released the second season of the show. There have been many discussions between fans of the show about how the second season compares to the first. The question remains: did season two live up to its expectations?

Season two consists of a change of scenery for our main character, Joe. He packs up and moves to a different location and ends up being surrounded by new people. He’s got a new name, a new home and a new obsession whose name is Love. Despite his efforts to change his ways, he ends up falling back into his same patterns.

The first thing viewers looked for was Joe’s new love interest. How did Love compare to last season’s obsession, Beck?

Love actually proves to be the more interesting of the two women. She has so many twists and turns about her that we are always finding out new, interesting information to keep us – and Joe – on our toes. Love and her tennis-themed named brother, Forty, come with lots of drama and an interesting family that has Joe and the audience loving every minute of it.

In comparison to the last season, the cast of season two brings us more of a story. I feel as though the author did a better job of painting a full picture by giving us more of a look into Love and her life. We were introduced to her brother and friends and we saw how they impacted her life and that helped shape the story.

Season one was more focused on Joe and his former love interest, Beck. We didn’t get to see as much of the other life that Beck had after Joe got to know her. During season two, Joe actually develops a bond with his love interest’s brother, Forty. This gives him an extra relationship for us to evaluate while we get to know how Joe acts around the people he is close to. These aspects gave the second season of the show a little more depth than the first.

However, the second season doesn’t measure up quite as well in other ways. The flow of the first season was attention-grabbing right from the beginning of the first episode, whereas season two seemed to take a little while to heat up. Although we didn’t quite lose interest, it was a slow beginning. When things did begin to get more interesting, it came on full blast.

The progression of season two actually came off similar to a soap opera. The things it began throwing at us could be portrayed as a little far-fetched. The twists and turns are always a given with Joe’s psychopathic personality, but in season two there was more. The show took it to another level when they revealed that someone else was just like Joe, or maybe even crazier. This change in delivery of the show could be considered good or bad, but I think the story line was a little too much this season.

Overall, season two of “You” wasn’t as good as the first season because of its over-exaggerations that sometimes seemed like a stretch. However, even with its likeness to a soap opera, the thrills still make it a title to add to your watch list. The Netflix thriller will still keep faithful watchers coming back for more. Most viewers are already anticipating the confirmed third season.