Old Town Saginaw came together to bring joy to city kids with its ninth annual Easter Egg Hunt.

By MARISA LORANGER, Staff Reporter.

Old Town Saginaw brings the holiday spirit with its ninth annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Volunteers spread 20,000 candy filled eggs on the grounds of the county building leaving no site of the grass beneath the shades of pastel pink, blue, and purple eggs. Children waited eagerly on the front lawn of the Saginaw County Governmental Center on the morning of April 4 to collect eggs.

Volunteers from the Old Town Saginaw Association, Heritage Square Neighborhood Association, teachers from Saginaw Public Schools and Saginaw city workers all donated their time. They spent three days stuffing 40,000 pieces of candy into eggs for the ninth annual event.

The clock tower rang at noon and it was time for the hunt to begin. The countdown started and as the crowd said one, a Saginaw fire truck blew its horn and the crowd of children, ages four to six darted for the eggs. Within three minutes the lawn was completely cleared.

Old Town Saginaw Association and the Old Town Bar Owners Association donate to keep the event going throughout the years.

The volunteers prepared the lawn again for the next group of children to go. The crowd began to thin out after the first run but there were still plenty of children who hadn’t had an opportunity to find any eggs. The second run was for ages seven to nine and was much quicker with all the eggs disappearing in two minutes.

Kids one through nine were allowed to participate in the day’s events. The Easter bunny made an appearance and was available to take pictures with the kids throughout the 30 minute event.