A balancing act 

A motivational column for all the hardworking mothers within the Delta halls 

By: April Hernandez

Did you know, according to The National Center for Education Statistics, as of the 2019-2020 academic year there were approximately 3.9 million college students in the United States who were also parents, with the majority being mothers. 

WHOO!!! GO MOMS!!! Dads too! But I’m going to stick with what I know, and that is, being first and foremost a full-time mother, as well as working and going to school. 

I never thought I’d be in a circus but let me tell you this is one heck of a balancing act.  At least that’s the way I feel most days, juggling a family, work, class, homework. So why do I choose this. Why would anyone want to add any more tasks to their already busy lifestyle. 

Let me warn you now, that this column is filled with a ton of cliches…carry on. I could say something, like I want to be a role model for my children, or I want to give them a better life than I had. Don’t get me wrong, those are great reasons, and if that’s why you chose to further your education, that is great, I am so proud of you! 

My reason is not only for my children but me as well. It’s the struggle that speaks to me.  Like working dead-end jobs, or paycheck to paycheck, or wondering if I am going to have to work until my dying day because I did not prepare for my future. It’s those things that motivate me.   

It’s the struggle, that I never want my children to think is the norm. Unfortunately, we weren’t born heirs to any thrones, so we must work our butts off to get to where we want to be. Showing up and showing out!  Being an example, that hard work and persistence does pay off, I know will be beneficial to my children.  

With that being said I’d be lying if I said everyday was rainbows and sunshine. I must remind myself often of the bigger picture (our future). There have been plenty of days when I have filled my brain with self-doubt. So, if you ever feel like you are on the struggle bus, just know you are not alone. 

 In this column it’s not only my hope that you enjoy reading it but also to share a few tips that have helped me along the way. 

  • My planner has been my best friend, GET ONE! 
  • Invest the time you spend on social media into an assignment instead 
  • Put the kiddos to bed and have some YOU time (whatever that looks like) 
  • Give yourself a shutoff notice, for everything! Work, school, TikTok, etc…  
  • Always have a snack on you 
  • Most importantly, get your sleep! 

Something else I feel is super beneficial is having a support system. Surrounding yourself with people who motivate you to be your best, which for me I don’t have to look very far and I hope you don’t either. I find this motivation when I think about the future, I want for myself and my children. 

When that self-doubt starts creeping, I remind myself to celebrate even the small victories, like navigating the Delta halls by myself, or not taking an hour to figure out how to upload an assignment (yes, these were real struggles of mine.) I like to think, I failed so much at these things and then one day, I just got it. I found my groove and it feels good!  

Now tell me if I am wrong, but accomplishment is the best feeling ever. I think we will be able to look back and say “I did that”, I got me together for me and my children. They saw their momma run a circus, and she did all of that while loving and caring for me.