President Trump campaigns in Freeland, Michigan

By Jordan Green

FREELAND — The quaint town of Freeland saw an exponential growth on September 10, as more than 10,000 supporters of President Donald Trump packed into the town of 7,000.

MBS International Airport hosted the event with doors opening at 4 p.m. and the President flying in on Air Force One at 7 p.m. to deliver his first campaign rally speech in the Great Lakes state.

President Donald Trump speaks at his September 10, 2020 campaign rally in Freeland, Michigan. (Photo courtesy of Abbie Obermiller)

The airport was expecting about 5,000 attendees according to MLive.

“‘Everyone seemed to be in good spirits… Overall, it went as smoothly as it could with that amount of people.’” Comments James Canders, MBS Airport Manager to MLive.

Enjoying the Thursday night rally was Bay City native Abbie Obermiller and her two sons Cameron, 12, and Izekyel (Zeke), 9.

The family arrived at the event around 4:30 p.m. and managed to nab standing overflow near where the President was to speak.

A Trump supporter since 2016, Obermiller says seeing the President was “Overwhelmingly, amazing.”

“You can feel the patriotism, love of country and freedom in the air.”

Obermiller’s two sons said they were excited to see all of the security guards stating that some looked like “Call of Duty Black Ops” characters.

Obermiller comments that she believes if reelected, President Trump will continue to bring peace, love, unity and hope.

“I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the next four years,” says Obermiller. “Including bringing back principles that are so important for our country that have been changed or forgotten.”

While supporters like Obermiller made their way to the event for a night of patriotism, Quinn Huu Nguyen of Bay City geared up for a night of EMT Service.

Multiple medical units, police cars and officers were set up for the rally as a precaution for the night and large crowd. The only negative incident was a “Dump Trump” rally across the street. Only minor verbal altercations occurred between the opposing parties.

Working for Mobile Medical Unit of Bay City for the past three years, Nguyen says he volunteered to work the rally just like any other event.

“Obviously, there was a lot more security going into it,” Says Nguyen. “ I had to do a background check and our ambulance had to be checked out by security.”

Nguyen says for the event he was camped out in a building with members of the Secret Service waiting to respond to any incidents. While the night had zero altercations between supporters, Nguyen comments that being in the presence of Secret Service members was a bit intimidating at first, but as the night carried on, tensions eased in the room.

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