Christmas Music is a go

By Macayla Jablonski, editor-in-chief.

While most of you are enjoying the recent drop in temperature, counting down the days until Halloween, awaiting the sugar high you’ll receive after stealing your sibling’s or children’s candy, I am singing Michael Buble’s Christmas album at the top of my lungs. Because guess what time it really is? It’s Christmas music time.

I can sense your anger already. Yes, I know it’s only October. Yes, I know Thanksgiving hasn’t passed, or even Halloween for that matter. But I truly can’t help myself. As soon as it hits 50 degrees it’s as if a switch flips in my brain, and there’s no going back once it happens. There is no better feeling to me than snuggling up in bed, cranking Mariah Carey’s 1993 best-selling album “Merry Christmas” on my iPod, and sipping on some hot cocoa.

And it’s not like I’m in full-swing Christmas mode; I don’t start watching “A Christmas Story,” or “It’s a Wonderful Life” until at least November. I’m not crazy. It’s just that Christmas has always been a special time of the year for me. I can’t help but get excited months in advance. My not-so-close family flies in from all over the country to frost cookies and have sleepovers at Grandmama’s house. My choir classes get to learn classic Christmas songs like “Ave Maria” or “Silent Night” and go caroling around old folks homes. I get to blow all of my savings on presents for my loved ones and watch their faces light up with surprise and thanks.

The Christmas season gives me weeks of feeling loved and appreciated by family I don’t get to see very often, since my parent’s got divorced when I was young. So, yes, I am going to annoy everyone I meet with the loud, horrible singing of my favorite Christmas tunes, in October. Because you know what? Christmas time brings love, laughter and families together. And I am so excited for a holly-jolly season this year.