A look at the 2022 General Election proposals

By Ruby Schwalm

The midterm elections in November consist of three main proposals for Michigan citizens to vote on. On the ballot, each is listed and explained in depth. 

Voters show the most interest in proposal 22-3, which covers the debate on abortion rights. 

The Michigan Department of State lists the full title reading, “a proposal to amend the state constitution to establish a new individual right to reproductive freedom, including the right to make all decisions about pregnancy and abortion; allow the state to regulate abortion in some cases, and forbid prosecution of individuals exercising established right.” 

To put it in simpler words, this proposal aims to create a free environment for women’s reproductive health and management. It also creates a discriminatory free state, which condemns prosecution for abortion. It has become a largely controversial issue since the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, which was implemented for decades. 

This covers more than abortion, however. If proposal 22-3 is implemented, it will give individuals the choice of direction with contraception, prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, sterilization, miscarriage management, and infertility. This is directly stated on the Michigan Voter Information Center, part of the Michigan Secretary of State web page. 

The other two proposals are 22-1 and 22-2. They include amendments to the state Constitution. 

Proposal 22-1 is “a proposal to amend the state constitution to require annual public financial disclosure reports by legislators and other state officers and change state legislator term limit to 12 total years in legislature.”

This proposal is based on ethics and potential conflicts of interest. It means these specific government officials are required to report on certain issues. 

According to the sample ballot states, they should report on “…assets, liabilities, income sources, future employment agreements, gifts, travel reimbursements, and positions held in organizations except for religious, social, and political organizations.”

It also states that state representatives and senators will get a fixed term limit of 12 years. This can be completed as a mixture of the house and the senate. 

The third proposal, 22-2, is titled, “A proposal to amend the state constitution to add provisions regarding elections.”

The requirement for 22-2 is a combination of many various revisions. These include the right to vote without harassment, military or overseas absentee ballot requirements, voter ID eligibility and absentee ballot changes and drop boxes, post-election audits by officials only, early in-person voting, election fund donations, and certifying election results based on recorded votes. 

Registered voters can vote on each proposal on Nov. 8, 2022. More information can be found at the Michigan Voter Information Center. 

Sample ballot:
