We need to recognize all of our prejudices

By GABRIELLE MARTIN, Staff Reporter.

Following the recent shooting of 19-year-old African American Tony Robinson by Officer Matt Kenny in Wisconsin, people took to protesting with chants of “Black Lives Matter.” The #BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after George Zimmerman was acquitted for the death of Trayvon Martin.

Personally, I feel the chant “Black Lives matter” and the #BlackLivesMatter should be replaced with “All lives matter” and #AllLivesMatter. Before anyone starts thinking that I am insensitive and blind to the racism that can and does happen in our society, let me explain.

First of all, let me say that yes, black lives matter! Of course they do! I also realize that there are people who are racist and would say that certain lives matter less than others. It is those people that make statements such as “black lives matter” and #BlackLivesMatter applicable.

However, I personally feel that while yes, black lives absolutely do matter, so do the lives of officers. Officer Kenny was injured in the confrontation with Robinson. While it is true that Robinson was unarmed, he did injure Kenny. Doesn’t Kenny’s life matter?

In my opinion, if a person attacks a police officer (we all know police officers are typically armed!), that person is accepting whatever consequences may follow – including the potential forfeiture of their own life.

It is true that people often make assumptions about African American teenage boys – unfair assumptions. They assume that the boy is up to no good. Be honest with yourself for a moment. If you’re walking in Saginaw and it’s starting to get dark and you see a young African American man walking towards you, you’re going to react differently than if it was a Caucasian man (particularly if you’re a woman). You may not want to admit it but it’s probably true.

Now, people also make assumptions about white police officers. It is assumed that they are targeting African Americans. Don’t people jump to the conclusion that Officer Kenny didn’t need to shoot Robinson? Once again, I ask you to be honest with yourself. If Officer Kenny was African American, would there be protests over the shooting of Robinson? Probably not.

I am not stupid. I realize that our society still has a ways to go when it comes to getting rid of racism. All I ask is that we are able to realize and acknowledge our less obvious prejudices as well. All lives matter.