Tips from Tina – Sage advice from the Collegiate expert

Q: What can I do to improve my study habits?

A: Getting back in the habit of studying after a long summer of lying on the beach can be difficult, especially at the beginning. Here are some ideas to make the transition from summer to fall a little easier.

1 – Take notes during class. Taking notes is one of the easiest ways to remember material. Notes solidify a lecturer’s meaning without much effort. While sitting at home, reviewing notes can bring back an image of the lecture and make it easier to remember the information. Some professors have their own printable notes or slideshows already created for the class, so make sure to review these after they are completely filled out. Not all of the printed notes are hand-written so some important material may go unstudied.

2 – Meet up with classmates to review material before class. Every student has the same feelings when it comes to studying. Talk to a few people and decide to meet an hour before class to ask questions about homework or to study notes before a big exam. They may offer clarification about a problem area or can be the motivation needed to finish going over a skipped chapter.

3 – Study in small increments. Let’s face it, the night before an exam is most likely the first time a textbook is cracked open. Studying immense amounts of material at once can be daunting and tiresome. It is easier to start looking over notes each night after class, a few minutes at a time. Dedicate ten minutes a night per chapter with five minute breaks in between to keep focused. Reviewing material earlier means less all night cramming sessions.