Ten summer blockbusters for when it’s too hot to go outside.

by LINDSI HEBERT, Staff Reporter.

1. The Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1)- The newest installation of Joss Whedon’s super hero takeover.

2. Mad Max: Fury Road (May 15)- Possibly the only reboot that matters.

3. Tomorrowland (May 22)- Not to be confused with Yesterdayworld or Presentplanet.

4. Jurassic World (June 12)- It’s never a good idea to bring back the dinosaurs, guys. We’ve been through this.

5. Inside Out (June 19)- Arguing with yourself has never been so literal.

6. Terminator: Genisys (July 1)- He said he’d be back and he wasn’t wrong.

7. Ant-Man (July 17)- Not to be confused with Aunt Man.

8. Poltergeist (July 24)- Okay, I lied. This reboot matters, too.

9. Fantastic Four (August 7)- You think that after three movies they’d stop being fantastic.

10. Sinister 2 (August 21)- Even more…Sinister-y.