Pokemon updates in a major way

By Erik Hopkins, staff reporter.

Since Pokémon GO came out over the summer, the once extremely popular app is trying to make a comeback to regain its player usage, as well as keep the app and game exciting and fresh.

Pokémon GO is about to get a lot bigger, and if you’re a hardcore Pokémon GO fan who has already caught all the Pokémon in the game, you’re about to have about 100 more to take on. Along with that will also be an additional 86 new moves.

The augmented reality game currently has 151 Pokémon that are available for you to catch and collect, these are usually dubbed as the “Generation 1” Pokémon. However, gamers who have been fans of the show for years know that there are hundreds of Pokémon actually out there.

“I refuse to let this game die,” says Detla student and avid user Britney Johnson, “I still play it all the time.”

The newest version of Pokémon GO, version 0.45.0, features four new features that are supposed to enhance the game play for Niantic’s avid GO users. It’s also rumored that the new set of Pokémon are from Nintendo’s Pokémon Sun and Moon.

Bonuses will be rewarded for anyone’s first Pokémon catch and Poké Stop visit each day. The more that you log in and play, the more bonuses you reap. Bonuses received increase each consecutive day that the user logs in.

Gym battles are getting a bit of an upgrade as well. During battles, if you defeat the Gym Leader (at a rival Gym only) there will be a short period of time where you will be the only one who will be able to place a Pokémon in that specific open gym.

Besides that, the Prestige has increased for every rival Gym that loses when defeated by a regular Gym member. At the same time, the amount of Prestige gained through training at a friendly Gym has been decreased.

Along with those major updates, there have also been some minor text fixes along the way.

While tracking of the Pokémon is still unavailable, users hope it’ll get back up and running soon, which will make the ability to find the newly added Pokémon a bit easier.

“The game can make a lively comeback I believe,” says Caity Keidel. “It doesn’t have to be over. I’ll still play.”