Pioneers of the Week: January 26th, 2015

By TOM GREENE, Staff Reporter.

[one_half] Trayvon Colton, Men’s Basketball
Pioneer of the Week (Jan 26, 2015)

A new installment for this semester’s Sports Page is the Pioneer of the Week. We will be featuring one athlete from a team per week. This week, we’re featuring Trayvon Cotton, who had a 29 point breakout start to his season in the first game.

Q: So Trayvon, how did you get into basketball? How did this all start?
A: When I was in second grade, my mom wanted me to get into it and try out. I made it, and I haven’t stopped ever since.

Q: What goals are you working on this season?
A: Personally, I have to graduate. For the team, I want to make Districts, Regionals and possibly bring home a championship for Delta.

Q: What has your team done well and what can your team improve on yet this season?
A: As the season has gone on, we’ve been able to come together as a team. We’ve been communicating well on the court,and we need to keep that up if we want to go far in the postseason.

Q: And finally, do you have any basketball plans for after Delta?
A: I want to go to either Iowa or Kansas, I have not fully decided yet.

We wish the best of luck to Trayvon in the rest of the season, and whether he plays for Fran McCaffrey’s Hawkeyes or Bill Self’s Jayhawks, we wish him the best there.

[one_half_last] Mercedez Willis, Women’s Basketball
Pioneer of the Week (Jan 26, 2015)

For our Lady Pioneer of the week, I got to interview Mercedez Willis after her 20 point performance against the Hawks.

Q: So, Mercedez, How did you get into Basketball? How did it all start?
A: Well, when I was in Elementary school, I watched Basketball and a lot of other sports on TV, and I wanted to get into it.

Q: What are your personal goals for this season?
A: To help the team any way that I can. We’d like to go to nationals.

Q: What has your team done well and what can your team do to improve this season?
A: As the season has progressed, our communication has gotten better. We’re more able to move up and down the floor as a team. Our Defense has also improved, but as you saw tonight (in which the defense gave up 60 points), we could also work on that.

Q: Finally, do you have any future basketball plans for after this season?
A: Not at this time.

We wish good luck to Mercedez in wherever she goes and whatever she does after this season, and we wish good luck to the team as well.