Perspectives: Open carry on campus

Law abiding citizen should be able to open carry
By Justin Jurek

I personally believe there is nothing wrong with openly carrying a weapon in any place – including college campuses. However, I think the law should make it legal to conceal carry rather than open carry.

People always look at the negative side of carrying, but fail to see the positives, which I think outweigh the negatives. Places where guns are not allowed are often considered by gun advocates as  “mass murder empowerment zones.” This is because there is no way of protecting yourself or others. In reality, people are more protected if there are more guns.

If  people are uncomfortable, then maybe the law should be changed to make people get a concealed carry license and only conceal carry on campuses. Concealed pistol license carriers are considered by Senator Mike Green to be “among the most law-abiding” citizens in the state and country. The people that do wrongful acts with guns don’t usually go through the legal steps to get these licenses.

Would you feel safe if Delta experienced an active shooter? If no one around you has a gun, then no one is protected. Think about it from the view of someone who was going to harm people: would you rather do it in a place where everyone has a gun, or a place that people are not allowed to have guns? It is sick to think that we have to worry or even think about these scenarios, but it’s reality; and if we don’t think about it before it happens, then we are putting everyone’s life on the line.

Guns may be the reason we’re worried about these shootings, but guns are also what prevent many more from happening. If people take the legal actions, go through the courses, get the background checks and purchase the guns legally then – by all means – I think they should be able to carry that gun wherever they please to protect themselves and everyone around them.

Another thing many people don’t realize is that people have to pass background checks and take a class to receive a  concealed carry license.

I think people should be able to conceal carry on campus, but for the comfortability of everyone, not open carry on campus.

Guns are OK, but not in schools
By Sammi Schenkel

I grew up in a house without guns, but had opportunities to shoot safely–which I did.

In regard to the new Michigan Open Carry Law, I find the law perfectly okay. If you have a concealed weapons permit and the gun you are carrying is registered to you, go ahead and carry it. No one can stop you.

But, there is one place where that worries me – school campuses. It seems like almost every week there is a new school shooting, especially on college campuses. Despite many arguments I think gun laws need to be evaluated, as most mass shootings have been done by young white males.

Gun laws need to be reevaluated to make places of education safer for children and young adults. An educational institution should be a safe place for everyone to learn.

I think with this, new law restrictions need to be made for schools to address the frequency of shootings. If you do carry a gun at a school, there should be a strict enforcement of this law so maybe the shooting madness will stop.

I believe in the practice of the Second Amendment. We should have the right to bear arms. I’m okay with  legally carrying a weapon; it’s your right to protect yourself and your family.  I know many people who are legally trained and certified to carry. I’m comfortable with this because you learn in the gun safety class why you should be cautious of having a weapon in the first place.

Even Michigan’s law on open carrying talks about how your image and attitude is vital to how the public and police will treat you.

With a gun at your side, people will generally be uneasy and nervous around you. It’s all about how the image you project to the world with a weapon and the connotations it brings. I think it’s important to acknowledge that precaution.

Go ahead and shoot safely in a designated area. Just please be careful around children and please don’t bring guns into our schools.