Our vote matters? Does it really?

By Lindsey SchibelhutSenior Reporter.

Every so often, a politician will say something intriguing or in this case very enlightening. Former speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich in a recent  interview with Bill O’Reilly, was asked why the Republican establishment is so opposed to the 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. “Well because he’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club, he’s uncontrollable, he hasn’t been through the initiation rites, he didn’t belong to the secret society,” says Gingrich.

Now let this admission sink in a little. The establishment is saying they will refuse a candidate that hasn’t been previously ‘vetted’ or isn’t essentially a ‘puppet’ on a string for their own agenda. Newt Gingrich is very aware of how this system operates considering he is a member of the Bohemian Grove secret society located in the California hills. The fact that he is unwilling to admit his own attendance every time he is approached by the independent media with pictures and documentation is not surprising then, is it?

This understanding of “being part of the club” permeates both parties. The late journalist Tim Russer asked both former president George W. Bush and Secretary of State John Kerry about their participation in a ‘secret society.’ They both refused to comment as well. Still think your vote matters?

Don’t label me a Trump supporter, because I’m not a supporter of either party. What I’m angry about, however, is the backlash against Trump’s candidacy, the #DumpTrump campaign by the establishment. Our elections are ‘allegedly’ decided by the people sending delegates to their respective conventions, right? Not the Washington elites. A ‘Misinformed Corner’ of this newspaper may have told you once that ‘secret societies’ don’t exist, but Gingrich just proved otherwise.

As a Ron Paul supporter in the last presidential election, I saw similar tactics happen to him that are now being deployed with Trump, which is one of the multiple reasons why I decided to #DumpTheGOP instead. The Republican/Democratic establishment (both supported by some of the same elites at the top) have a tight grasp on whom they will back as candidates. Many voters are looking for someone outside of Washington D.C.’s regurgitated politician choices. Americans have been casting their votes and overwhelmingly their votes are saying that they wish to see Trump become the nominee.

The establishment needs to quit playing shadow politics and let the American people have their voice. They have no business trying to derail the will of the voters. That is why I see Bernie Sanders being more successful than many had originally thought as well. Although I don’t share his ideology, I understand the frustrations of my generation. We need jobs in this country, white collar and blue collar. We can’t wait much longer, our future hangs in the balance, looking for some real leadership.

The populace needs to elect a candidate that has been thoroughly scrutinized by the people, not the ‘secret societies’ or the Washington insiders. I’m tired of being told my ‘vote matters’ when clearly it doesn’t, if the establishment is sitting there gnashing their teeth together because a candidate got through that hasn’t been ‘approved’ of first. Now the American people are finally seeing as in the “Wizard of Oz,” the controllers behind the curtain of our electoral process.