Expo provides mental health resources to veterans

By Lindsey Schibelhut, Senior Reporter.

For most returning veterans, coming home doesn’t necessarily mean the war is over. Instead they fight a much less visible battle, an internal one—the battle against mental health issues. On March 16, Delta will host the Veteran Expo on the main campus from noon until 3 p.m to make veterans aware of the various mental health resources available.

“It allows veterans to actually see the resources that are available to them. Even if they aren’t on campus, their friends and family who attend become aware of resources and can encourage the veterans to follow up,” says Coordinator of Veterans Services at Delta, Bethany Alford.

Approximately 400 veterans attend Delta, and to continuously show support, this is the third year they have put on the Expo. Some of the organizations who will be at the Expo are the Michigan Veteran Affairs Agency, the Saginaw VA Medical Center and Military OneSource among others.

During the day, there will also be a free screening of the film “Project 22.” The ‘22’ in the film title stands for the 22 veteran suicides that occur daily according to recent data published by the VA. The film will screen in the Lecture Theater, G-160, at 10 a.m. and room S-105 at 2 and 6 p.m.

“I have seen firsthand that some veterans at Delta are struggling with reintegration.  This powerful documentary could help students, staff and faculty understand how important their role is in easing the transition of veterans to the classroom and community,” says Alford.
Special guest Saginaw VA Chief of Mental Health, Dr. Matthew A. Miller, will speak in the Lecture Theater from noon to 1 p.m. after the first showing of “Project 22.” Miller will discuss Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, signs and symptoms, treatment options and the current state of PTSD research.

“This year we worked hard to really get the word out and used some funds for advertisement which we hope leads to an even better turnout this year.” concludes Alford.

For more information on the Veteran Expo people are recommended to visit: www.delta.edu/veterans-services/veterans-expo.aspx or contact Bethany Alford at: bethanyalford@delta.edu.