Early detection could save a life

Shedding light on colon cancer

By: April Hernandez

In the wake of the recent loss of country music icon Toby Keith, who battled stomach cancer before passing away at 62 on Feb. 6, 2024, it is important to recognize the significance of cancer awareness. Particularly as we enter March, which marks Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, raising awareness about the prevention, early detection, and treatment of colorectal cancer becomes paramount. This observance serves as a reminder of the importance of regular screenings and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.

While Keith’s struggle was with stomach cancer, colorectal cancer poses the biggest threat to many individuals worldwide. It is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally. However, the silver lining lies in early detection, which significantly improves the chances of successful treatment. 

Why early detection matters

Detecting colorectal cancer early is key. It can drastically alter the prognosis and treatment options for people diagnosed with the disease. Regular screenings, such as colonoscopies, play a huge role in finding potential issues before they escalate into more significant concerns.

Understanding risk factors

Age is a significant risk factor for colorectal cancer, with people over 50 more likely to be affected. However, other factors like family history, genetics and lifestyle choices also contribute to one’s risk profile. Recognizing these factors can empower individuals to take proactive steps toward prevention and early detection.

The importance of screening

For people aged 45 and older, routine screenings are recommended. But those with higher risk factors may need to start screenings earlier. Colonoscopies, fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) and fecal immunochemical tests (FIT) are among the screening methods available to detect colorectal cancer and precancerous conditions.

Preventive measures

Making healthy lifestyle habits can significantly reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer. This includes maintaining a balanced diet incorporating lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains while limiting the consumption of red and processed meats. Regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco products and moderation of alcohol intake further contribute to overall health and well-being.

Taking action together

As we observe Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, let’s honor the memory of those we have lost to cancer by spreading awareness and advocating for early detection and prevention. By encouraging our loved ones to prioritize their health through screenings and healthy lifestyle choices, we can make a meaningful impact in the fight not only against colorectal cancer but all cancers.

In memory of Toby Keith and countless others affected by cancer, let’s unite in our efforts to raise awareness, promote early detection and, ultimately, save lives.