BAY Alerts warns residents of danger

By Ann Escamilla, Staff Reporter.

Wouldn’t it be nice to receive a warning about possible emergencies that could occur? Well that does in fact exist  for Bay County and it’s called the BAY Alerts emergency messaging notification system. Issued in 2011 Bay County has been making strides to protect its residents from emergencies such as traffic alerts, road closures, preparedness tips and Saginaw river alerts.

It takes no longer than a minute for Emergency Management Coordinator Ryan Manz to send out an alert to the public. “We use the system in a lot of different ways. Anytime there is a message we want to send out the system can trigger it,” said Manz. He shared that residents can receive an email, text message, and a voice call on a land line about an alert.

Serving over 61,000 people the emergency message alert system is intended for the residents of Bay County. However, no matter where you are or where you go the resident will always receive a message alert even if they travel out of state.There is no cost for BAY Alerts but check your phone carrier beforehand about extra fee’s.

Over the past few years Bay County has been advertising this emerging technology through billboards, radio, social media and word of mouth. “It’s basically intended to make the public safer. To inform. To help you reroute and report about an emergency situation you could be driving into,” said Manz.

When asked if Saginaw and Midland has a similar system Manz stated, “They do. It’s a little different but it does basically the same thing.” Saginaw’s emergency alert system is supported with GeoCast Web which sends important information to its residents by emails, text messages, and home phone calls. Midland launched a new mass notification service that also relays important information such as potential safety hazards and concerns.

“Someone commented on one of our pictures saying they received info about a tornado they were going to drive into,” said Manz “it definitely has the possibility to save lives.”

How to sign up for emergency alerts in your area:

Bay County: or text BAY Alerts to 69310.

Saginaw County: or call 877-670-3330

Midland County: