A student New Year’s resolution part two

Tips on how to quit smoking this New Year

By Logan Fairchild a student submission

New Years is around the corner once again and with it comes new resolutions. Many of us may not stick to them, some will. Some will be taking a vow to quit nasty habits, such as smoking, and may need a little encouragement to keep going. Here are some great tips for you to stay on track.

First, you may want to obtain some sort of patch or alternate, more healthy way to curb your addiction. Some try a nicotine patch or gum. Others may invest in a vaporizer, allowing them to get their tobacco fill without all the extra nastiness that a cigarette produces.

You will also want to make sure you take this seriously. Smoking is an addiction as strong as alcoholism or heroin use. Meaning you will have to avoid other vices as well, such as drinking because it might trigger you to want to smoke.

Try to get out and be active. If you are on the move or doing something, it will be easier to distract yourself from thinking about smoking. 

Make sure to tell someone you trust and can lean on about your quitting. You will need someone to step in and help you when times get rough, and quitting is only made easier by having someone by your side.

Most importantly, keep trying. Most who quit their addictions can slip back into them at one point or another, but that does not mean you have failed. It is totally natural to get sucked back into your old vices, but you have stopped before and you will be able to do it again!

This New Year, remind yourself why you are planning to quit and what you are doing it for. Take whatever steps work best for you and go at your own pace. Not everyone benefits from going cold turkey.