Mosh pits cause many problems with people like me

By Dominic Arthur, Staff Reporter.

Moshing has become a main attraction and the most memorable part of the night for many concert goers. They’re something that many rock n’ rollers look forward to when they’re going to see their favorite artist. They’re something that many people that like going to concerts for the show don’t look forward to enduring.

Most pits — for most — seem like a fun sea of endless excitement. For me, most pits aren’t a fun sea of endless excitement. It’s a sea of endless punishment. Mosh pits aren’t all what they’re cracked up to be as you’ve probably seen from the joyous faces on MTV or VH1 (back when those channels really mattered). I believe that they should be outlawed from both big and small venues across the United States.

Now, some people may think that I’m being a chump or whiny for not physically involving myself in the music or enjoying being tossed around, kicked, punched, nudged, drooled, or even bleed on. But those things aren’t why I go to a concert.

I go to a concert to watch and listen to the show. I like to watch the production side of the show while enjoying my favorite songs — in peace — and without some raging maniac trying to wrestle me down with a circle of his goons or some screaming chick trying to climb up me (as cool as that’d be to some) to only drop her body weight onto my head or neck. And I’m sure some of you concert goers feel the same way.

Today, I’m an advocate for those people out there that get stomped while watching their favorite shows. I’m the voice for the people that find themselves drooled on, bled on, or physically beaten down while trying to be entertained. I say enough is enough. Its time that we, the concert goers, step up and say NO to mosh pitting and YES to having a peaceful environment at concerts that promote more listening and enjoying of the sound and sights than the aggressive nature that is encouraged in “the pit.”