Anti-war protests make their way to Saginaw

By Michael Piwowarski

Anti-war protest in Saginaw, MI

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Protestors stand proud and loud in the cold weather outside of the Saginaw County Courthouse building on Thursday, January 9, 2019, displaying signs against the recent rumblings of a war with Iran. (Michael Piwowarski/News Director)

SAGINAW – “No more war! End the ones that we’ve got!”

This, and other chants, could be heard loudly at the corner of Court St and Michigan Ave in Saginaw on Thursday night, as a group of protesters gathered to speak out against further aggression in Iran.

Carly Hammond, who is currently running for state representative in Michigan’s 95th district, led the No War With Iran rally, which was organized by a coalition of groups including and Indivisible.

“War affects us all,” says Hammond, “and I think that a lot of us were rightfully so shocked and outraged that such an important decision was made – without the consultation of any of our congressional representatives – that most people around the world saw as an act of war.”

This was one of many protests occurring across the country in response to recent tensions between the U.S. and Iran, most notably the killing of Iranian general Quasem Soleimani in a targeted drone strike ordered by President Trump.

“What I’m hoping people can take away from this is a sense of unity,” said Hammond. “I’m here to show up for social justice. We’re going to show up for climate change, we’re going to show up for corporate accountability. But we’re also going to show up for war, because this issue matters.”

On Wednesday, Trump announced that the U.S. would back out of further aggressions toward Iran, following the latter’s retaliatory missile strike on an Iraqui air force base housing U.S. troops.

“Luckily the Trump administration has seemingly decided not to militarily escalate, but these economic sanctions are seen by the Iranian government as an escalation,” says Hammond.

In spite of the cold weather, several people showed up with signs that read “Trump’s Fired,” “No War to Save Trump from Impeachment” and other provocative messages.

Michelle Hurd Riddick of Saginaw came with a sign that simply read: “No More Wars.”

“No more wars in the Middle East; it’s got to be about peace,” Riddick exclaimed. “We cannot continue to contribute to the instability of the Middle East.”

While the conflict with Iran can be seen as an international issue, Hammond wants to remind people of the local community that wars affect them too. She specifically cites the yearly increase of the military budget, especially under the Trump administration.

“That money could be going towards affordable housing, it could be going to close the wealth and income inequality gap, it could be going to fund our healthcare so that people can pay to go to the doctor when they get sick,” says Hammond. “But instead, we’re using it to bomb people halfway across the world.”

Riddick, among other protesters, clearly echoed this sentiment as they continued to chant: “No war! We want peace! Leave alone the Middle East!”

“We have spent thousands of lives, tons of citizens’ lives in the Middle East, tons of blood, many, many trillions of dollars,” says Riddick “It is time to stop this war mongering of the part of the United States.”