A student New Year’s Resolution part three

Why picking up a new hobby should be your New Year’s resolution this year 

By: Kathryn Nickell a student submission

Hobbies are a great thing to add to your New Year’s resolutions because they can quickly evolve into a significant part of your life that has a positive ripple effect on various aspects of your environment.

Whether you are interested in expanding your knowledge or making new friends, picking up a new hobby this year can be the perfect way to enrich yourself and your relationships on your next trip around the sun.

Social hobbies:

A hobby is an excellent way to be social and make new friends. A hobby such as reading can lead you to a book club, while cooking can help you find a cooking class. Every hobby has its followers and starting a new one can open up your social world. 

Additional social hobbies include attending a dance or yoga class, volunteering, or joining a team sport such as softball, baseball, soccer or basketball.

Anxiety and stress-relieving hobbies:

The positive effects on a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being are the main reasons why hobbies are important.

Hobbies such as crafting, origami, puzzles, drawing and painting, pottery and ceramics, and even bird and people watching require your focus which helps streamline your brain’s thought patterns and shed away the day’s anxieties. 

Learn something new hobbies:

Learning something new is best done through choosing activities that you enjoy. Anything from calligraphy to learning to play an instrument can help stimulate your brain’s reactive neurons and encourage a sense of challenge and fulfillment.Additional hobbies to teach you a new skill includes learning a new language, photography, coding, gardening, stand-up comedy and sewing.