Scholarships build students’ foundation

By Lindsey Schibelhut, Senior Reporter.

Tuition prices always seem to be on the rise and many students need help in order to keep up with those costs. Fortunately for students, there are scholarship opportunities available through corporations, foundations and other private parties. Delta’s Coordinator of Scholarships and Special Events, Mary Harding, explains more about scholarship eligibility and what students can do to increase their chance at receiving financial assistance.

“All students who will be attending Delta in the fall 2016 [semester] and winter 2017 [semester] can apply.” says Harding. “Students must have a student ID number. The only students who cannot apply are students who are dual-enrolled while in high school.”

The time to apply for scholarships is still ongoing. The process started on Jan. 8 and students have until Feb. 29 to submit their application. There are scholarships available that aren’t based on financial need as well, with no separate forms to fill out for those. However, other academic conditions may be necessary in keeping your scholarship.

“Each year, students must apply for scholarships. Students are required to keep their grades up according to the requirements of the scholarship they receive,” says Harding. “If a student lowers the number of credits they are registered for, the scholarship will be reduced.”

For example, if you are the recipient of $1,000 total, $500 is used for both the fall and winter semesters. The $500 per semester is then based on the amount of credits you are enrolled in such as:

  • $500 if enrolled in 12 credits or more
  • $375 if enrolled in 9-11 credits
  • $250 if enrolled in 6-8 credits
  • No scholarship if enrolled in 1-5 credits

“The scholarship money will go on the student’s account at Delta. Go to MyDelta, check the financial award letter and it will list the scholarship name and the amount received,” says Harding.

If a student has more money on their account than what the student owes, the student will receive a check for the remaining balance. The check can then be picked up at the Cashier’s Office approximately six weeks after the semester begins.

Scholarship funds are not reduced if you have other forms of financial aid.

“Scholarships can be used in conjunction with loans and grants,” says Harding.

According to Harding, between 450-500 Delta students receive scholarships each year. Typically they are awarded $1,000.

“However, we have a few scholarships that are worth more,” says Harding.

When applying for scholarships, students are recommended to write 150-250 words per question. They should also proofread their work and have someone look it over for any other grammatical or punctuation errors.

“Do not write essay answers like you are writing a text. In other words, capitalize all sentences and always capitalize the word ‘I,’ ” says Harding.

For help with essay writing, students can visit the Writing Center located in the back of the Library Learning Information Center, near A-125. The office hours are Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. No appointments are needed. Students are assisted on a first come, first serve basis. You may contact them at 989-686-9086 or

Students should also make sure to check their Delta email on April 19 and on May 5, as two rounds of scholarships will be given. If a student receives a scholarship, they have two weeks to accept or decline it. After accepting the award, students are required to write a thank you letter to the donor.

“Private citizens, foundations and companies supply the scholarship dollars and we are very grateful to them for their generosity,” concludes Harding.

To find out what scholarships are available, students can visit the Delta College Foundation webpage at: or visit the Financial Aid website at: For any other questions contact Mary Harding at