By La’Niya Jones

Vincent Turner is the head coach of the Delta College Men’s Basketball team. This will be his second season at Delta. He is very dedicated and passionate about helping young students find their footing not only in basketball but also in the real world. Turner is originally from Detroit, where he played basketball and graduated from Martin Luther King High School. From there he went to Austin Peay State University and played for Lake Kelly.
Headshot of Coach Vincent Turner
The Collegiate recently sat down for a Q&A with Coach Turner.
Q: Is there anything you have taken from your own experience playing basketball into your coaching?
A: Something I take with me is that I got as far as I did because I was willing to give up what I wanted now for what I wanted most. And most kids fail because they’re not willing to give up what they want now for what they want most.
Q: What did you do before coaching at Delta?
A: I started as a volunteer strength and conditioning coach while completing my degree after I got done playing basketball. After I got my degree, I got a job as the head basketball coach at Frederick Douglass High School. After a couple of years there, I got an assistant coaching job at Wayne County Community College. From there, I got the head coaching job at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. After a contract dispute, I got the head coaching job at Northwest High School in Tennessee. After that, I moved to Texas and taught criminal justice for a year before getting this job.
Q: What made you interested in coaching?
A: Honestly, my love for the game I love the game of basketball. It helps me connect and help young people and help them realize their dream to get to where I wanted to get, and where I wasn’t able to get. If I can help one or two people surpass where I got, then I have done something right. Basically, you’re touching young people’s lives, helping them through basketball, and preparing them to be better adults.
Q: How would you describe the relationship of the team?
A: If I’m being honest and truthful, I think our team is young and immature but very talented.
Q: How has the season been for the team?
A: It was rocky at the beginning because we were missing a lot of players, but once we got our players back, we have been competing and playing at a pretty high level.
Q: Do you have any goals for this season or the team?
A: This season, I would really like to win our conference. I think we could win now that we have everybody back eligible. I think that winning the conference is a realistic goal.
Q: Do you have any advice for anybody inspiring to be an athlete or a coach?
A: My advice would be to do something that you love to do. Because if you’re doing something you love it’s never like work. If you dream and are inspired to be an athlete or a coach, don’t let anything stand in your way.
Q: What are you looking for in a basketball player for the team?
A: I’m looking for people who are willing to be part of the team aspect of a family and who are disciplined and willing to give up the me for the we. And understand that being a star in their role is better than trying to be the star of everyone’s role.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to say to Delta or the community about yourself, the team, or anything in general?
A: I would like the community and the people of Delta to know that we are a pretty good basketball team and that it’s worth coming out to support the team. I would really like to see more people at the games because we put up a pretty good brand of basketball, it’s exciting, the players are excited, and it just builds the brand of Delta.