Planetarium to host first ever Astronomy Night

By Andrew Mason, Staff Reporter.

If you’re a fan of Deep Space, stargazing or astronomy in general, then you may want to check this out. Friday, April 15, the Delta College Planetarium will be hosting shows and activities in order to celebrate the first ever Statewide Astronomy Night.

The event is lead by the Michigan State University Science Festival. The festival has reached out and coordinated with science centers, museums, planetariums and even the Headlands International Dark Sky Park to come together.

The free event will be held from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m., and will include many activities you can attend to throughout the night.

“We’ll have some hands-on-activities for kids and families that will be in the lobby area. We’ll have short demos in the Planetarium, so we can talk about what’s currently in the night time sky,” says Mike Murray, Planetarium manager.

“A lot of it is meant to be informal and interactive so that we can cover anything about observing and enjoying stargazing.”

If weather permits, as the sky darkens, attendees will be able to go up onto the observation deck and view the night sky through a number of different types of telescopes.

“There’s the refracting, reflecting telescopes… and binoculars. That’s one of the big things we’re going to stress as well, is how much you can observe, and how many really cool things you can see with binoculars,” says Murray. If bad weather comes in, then the telescopes will be moved downstairs and they will hold a telescope workshop.

The event is welcome to everyone of all ages. The Planetarium is located in downtown Bay City, at 100 Center Avenue.

For more information about the Astronomy Night head to, and if you are interested in other events the Planerarium will host head to