Pioneers enact revenge on Timberwolves

Pioneers enact revenge on Timberwolves

By Austen Burks, Sports Editor.

The Pioneers got the revenge they were looking for Wednesday afternoon defeating Northwood University 4-2 after ending in a draw on their first matchup Sept. 24.

Destiny Wallace, 19, business management major and Delta College goalkeeper says the team is “super focused on finishing each and every game on top”.  Wallace had 10 shots against her in the last matchup, while only letting two into the net.

“I get really frustrated when someone scores on me”, says Wallace.  “But I don’t play good when frustrated so I got to forget about it, I try to figure out what I did wrong while also adjusting my position and spacing so it won’t happen again.”

Delta and Northwood were locked in a leg-burning grinder on Sep. 24, where injuries, penalty kicks, and physical play all took part in the 2-2 tie. The game remained scoreless until late in the first half when Delta’s Druanne Brogren scored off of a penalty kick. The lead wouldn’t last long when the Northwood Timberwolves banked a shot in off the parallel bars to end the half.

“During the first half we had a problem with marking or guarding the Northwood players”, says Wallace. “I just reminded the girls that everyone needs to be guarded and to not to give up any space.”

As play resumes in the second half, Kaleigh Blackburn shoots and scores to put the Pioneers back on top, but soon after Northwood would tie it up as they score around a crowded goal.

“Diving saves are my favorite”, says Wallace.  “They hurt but it’s really satisfying when I feel the ball bounce off my hand”.  Wallace was able to make a diving save mid-way through the second half that would off put Northwood ahead late in the game.

The Pioneers record stands at 5-2-2. “ Coach told us that we were 20th in the Nation, and that we should play like it”, says Wallace. “We work really hard in practice and motivate each other so we can stay on top of our game.”

Delta squares off against Schoolcraft College Saturday, Oct. 4 for a chance at another revenge and conference win.