Pioneer of the Week – Febuary 9, 2015

By TOM GREENE, Staff Reporter.
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This issue’s “Pioneer of the Week” features two players that had big impacts on their games this week. For the women, it was Dy’Mond Perry.

Q: So, how did you get into basketball, Dy’Mond?
A: A lot of my family played sports, and I grew up in a basketball family.

Q: What goals are you working on this season?
A: I’m trying to make myself and my team better. Also, getting that Associate’s degree is key.

Q: What has your team done well and what can your team improve upon for the rest of the season?
A: We’ve done well and we’re not giving up. This past game definitely showed you that. We need to improve on playing well as a team. As one unit.

Q: Finally, do you have any basketball plans for after Delta?
A: For right now, I could go wherever some college wants me to play. If nobody wants me, then I’ll just play some pick-up games.
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Ben Batts had a big impact on the men’s victory over St. Clair.

Q: So Ben, how did basketball start for you?
A: Well, it started at a very young age. I’ve been playing since I was 3.

Q: What goals are you working on this season?
A: I (and the team) want to make it to Nationals. We’d really like to host the National tourney.

Q: What has your team done well and what can your team improve upon the rest of this season?
A: We play our “help defense” very well. But we could communicate more.

Q: Finally, any basketball plans after this season?
A: I’m hoping to go either to a Division 1 or 2 school. Whoever wants me.