Collegiate staffers win 26 statewide journalism awards

From Staff Reports.

The Delta Collegiate took home 26 awards at the annual Michigan Community College Press Association (MCCPA) luncheon and conference at Central Michigan University April 9.

The MCCPA is an association of community college newspapers from throughout Michigan. Entries for this year’s contest came from nine papers from throughout the lower peninsula. The Collegiate was honored for its efforts in news, sports, photojournalism, audio-video, multimedia and online newspaper.

This year’s Delta Collegiate winners include:

The Delta Collegiate Staff

-Online Newspaper, 1st place,

-Multimedia Reporting, 1st place, Hell’s Half Mile celebrates Bay City’s Soul

Judge Comments: “This brought together all of the elements of a good multimedia: a well written story, a mix of photos and video and audio protection allowed the audience to hear one of the bands.”

-General Excellence, 3rd place

-Turkey Award, 2nd place

Greg Horner, Senior Editor

-News Story, 1st place, Road to nowhere: Saginaw bus route change hurts student success

-Headline Writing, 2nd place, Up in the airwaves: Delta moves to participate in FCC auction of Q-TV

Judge comments: “Clever and to the point. A valuable ability that will serve you well.”

-Editorial, Honorable Mention, Auction Blocked: Q-TV needs public more than ever

Judge comments: “Explains the situation well. Invites local solution. Nice conversational tone. Would get the writer’s thinking.”

Matt Brown, Managing Editor

-First Amendment Reporting, 1st place, Sunshine laws keep government open

-Multimedia Reporting, 2nd place, Fog and apathy and shoulder length hair! Oh my!

-Video Production, Honorable Mention, 61st Annual Bay City St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Josephine Norris, Photo Editor

-Sports Feature Story, 1st place, Mermaids spotted in campus pool

-Sports Feature Photo, 2nd place, Mermaids spotted in campus pool

Judge comments: “Good facial expression and splashing of tail. Could use a tighter crop from the bottom of the frame.”

-Multimedia Reporting, 2nd place, Fog and apathy and shoulder length hair! Oh my!

-Video Production, 3rd place, Bay City takes a voyage back in time

Megan Escamilla, Videographer

-Video Production, 1st place, Tri-City Hot Spot: The Fix, Bay City

Judge comments: “This is the best Delta video because it does the best job telling a story. I wish you would have talked to some of Jack’s customers. Great job though. All of the Delta videos look fantastic!”

Cameron Kerkau,
Staff Reporter

-Headline Writing, 1st place, Star Wars: Return of the franchise

Judge comments: “Nailed it! You kept the starwars theme without relying on an “awkward” pun. Great headline!”

-Critical Review, Honorable Mention, Graphic Novelties: Embracing the medium

Judge comments: “Your challenge to comic book writers was priceless, and was delivered in a way only someone with a firm understanding of the medium could put it. Your criticism was well thought out, giving your arguments strong credibility.”

Kyle Story,

-Entertainment Cartoon, 1st place, Sid & Iggy

Judge comments: “Absolutely LOVE this strip! And I would like to see MORE! Great character designs, great layout. Nice to see different panels, different sizes and
close ups and such. Very Very professional. This could (should) be syndicated–online, or elsewhere–on a regular basis. It’d have a huge following, not just college kids! Very impressed! Captions could be a bit larger.”

Ethan Moore, Sports Editor

-Sports Column, 2nd place, The Patriots have a gate problem

Judge comments: “Column really flows well. Makes a lot of great points. Keeps your attention, love the conclusion.”

Gabrielle Martin, Former News Editor

-Personality Profile, 2nd place, Retired Texas Ranger proves age is no barrier for education

-Editorial, Honorable Mention, State prematurely slashes Michigan film incentive

MaCayla Jablonski, Staff Reporter

-Serious Column, 3rd place, Numbing one pain to cause another: Some people can’t handle the responsibility that comes with drinking

Judge comments: “Good, tight, compelling piece, a topic of campus interest. Excellent use of personal experience to drive home the main point. This column proves the adage “shorter is better.'”

De’Asia Brown, Illustrator

-Editorial Cartoon, 3rd place, Ballot Vox

Tom Metevia, Videographer

-Video Production, 3rd place, Bay City takes a voyage back in time

Noah Surbrook, Former Photographer

-Sports News Photo, 3rd place, Pioneers Press Forward

Lindsey Schibelhut, Staff Reporter

-Feature Story, Honorable Mention, Survivor wears resilience

Judge comments: “Nice recap of a very interesting story of an alumnus. I liked that you included student reaction… I maybe would have liked to see more.”

Sammi Schenkel, Former Reporter

-Feature Photo, Honorable Mention, Frankenmuth throws big block party