Mandate or Choice?

person getting vaccinated

By Amanda Reynero

Should the Covid-19 vaccine be a mandate or a choice? This seems to be what you hear about on the news stations and social media platforms worldwide. This pandemic has also impacted how people live and work. Personnel who were heroes last year when it first hit are now jobless because they refuse to get the vaccine. It has also impacted grocery stores, gas stations, and prices on the items that are on the shelves. The grocery stores are super bare because they can’t get the items in that are needed due to a trucker shortage. Gas stations have also run out of fuel due to the lack of truck drivers.

With the chaos that surrounds this virus and the mandate of the vaccine, so many people have different outlooks on what is happening. My opinion on the mandate is that it violates our constitutional rights, and those rights should never be infringed upon. After research, I have found that it could violate our 4th amendment, which states the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated. No Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (Fourth Amendment | Browse | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress), but for those not getting the vaccine, we are being discriminated against. If someone chooses to get that vaccine, then go for it, but we should not be forced for those who do not want to get the vaccine. Some discrimination comes along with people who do not have the vaccine, especially at their workplaces. I work at a dental office, and I am very fortunate to have a boss who does not believe in the vaccine and is not mandating it for his employees. Some people are losing their jobs because of this, and many of them are healthcare staff we cannot afford to lose. They worked through this whole pandemic without a vaccine, and now they are forced to choose between their jobs and their beliefs. 

I do believe that vaccines do work to a certain extent. This vaccine, I feel, came out too soon and not with a long enough trial period. I feel like the government wants guinea pigs to practice things on, and we as the people are their guinea pigs. I understand that we already have vaccine mandates for schools and specific jobs. But at the same time, if it goes against someone’s religion, they do not have to do it. I wouldn’t be against the vaccine if the trials were long and dug into the side effects. I know a female who got the second dose and now has unexplained hot flashes, and she is only 22! 

They are trying to force us to do what they want us to do, and if, as a group of FREE Americans, do not stand up for our beliefs, we will have no rights before you know it. We have been looking for a cure for cancer for 50+ years now, and we have yet to discover one. When this pandemic hit, they had a vaccine out within one year. To me, that doesn’t sit well. This vaccine came out too soon and with not enough trials and studies done on it. If this vaccine mandate continues, we will not have the healthcare, food, supplies, and things we had in the past that are much needed to survive, which will be obsolete in the future due to people refusing the mandate.