Fuzz Buzz: Oct 11 – Oct 25

Monday, Oct 12, 2015

Parking lot accident in H-wing. A vehicle backing out of a parking space turned too quickly and managed to get its bumper stuck on the vehicle next to it.

Monday, Oct 12, 2015

A two car roadway accident on Mackinaw Road was reported to Delta Police. No injuries were reported.

Tuesday, Oct 13, 2015

A minor injury was reported by an employee of the Red Brix. No medical treatment was necessary.

Wednesday, Oct 14, 2015

A hit and run accident of a parked car occurred in the C-Wing Parking lot. An unknown vehicle struck a parked vehicle in the lot and fled the scene. Based upon paint transfer the hit and run vehicle is believed to be black in color. The suspect was not located.

Thursday, Oct 15, 2015

Public Safety responded to a student in medical distress. First aid was rendered to the student and an ambulance and Frankenlust Fire responded to the scene. The student was transported by ambulance to the hospital.

Thursday, Oct 15, 2015

Public Safety took an incident report from a student who accidently poked themselves with a needle while practicing administering shots to a mannequin.

Monday, Oct 19, 2015

A driver backing out of a parking space in G-Wing did not see another vehicle driving down the aisle and backed into its path, causing an accident. No one was injured.

Wednesday, Oct 21, 2015

Public Safety was informed of a subject in the Commons Area causing a concern. The subject was making statements sympathetic to past school shooters. Witnesses said the subject appeared to be a student and described him as a white, male in his 20’s 5’9”- 6’0” tall with dark curly hair. He was described as wearing glasses, blue jeans, and a brown jacket. He did not make any direct threats and is not believed to have committed a crime at this point. Public Safety checked the area for the subject, but did not locate him. Public Safety is continuing to investigate in the hope of identifying this subject and speaking with him. Anyone with any information regarding this, or similar incidents, is asked to immediately contact Public Safety.

Thursday, Oct 22, 2015

Public Safety investigated a report of trouble at the bus stop. A bus driver reported that he was having trouble with two subjects on the bus who appeared intoxicated and were calling him names. The bus driver stated the subjects could no longer ride the bus. Rather than leave two intoxicated subjects on campus, Public Safety transported the subjects home.

Saturday, Oct 24, 2015

An employee reported a minor injury to Public Safety. No medical attention was required.

Friday, Oct 23, 2015

A complaint about inappropriate conduct was made to Public Safety. This incident is under investigation.