Fountain Talk: How do you feel about tattoos in the workplace?

Rachel Carstens, 19, Freeland
Rachel Carstens, 19, Freeland
“(I think) they should be allowed because they affect the credibility of a person.”

Josh Kiska, 18, Frankenmuth
Josh Kiska, 18, Frankenmuth
“It depends on the occupation.”

Delaney Bellhorn, 19, Bay City
Delaney Bellhorn, 19, Bay City
“I feel that you can have tattoos and piercings, but could be hidden when needed. But piercings should not be overly done.”

Aaron Christian, 19, Bay City
Aaron Christian, 19, Bay City
“It depends on the person. Sometimes it’s a form of expression, or an expression of retaliation against parents. Depends on the person, though.”

Elissa Jacobs, 18, Sanford
Elissa Jacobs, 18, Sanford
”Depends on the the workplace and if you are in a professional setting. (Tattoos and piercings) could be seen as unprofessional.”

Brandi Calkins, 24, Midland
Brandi Calkins, 24, Midland
“I feel like tattoos (and body mods) are completely acceptable as long as they aren’t offensive or graphic in nature.”

Cody Loll, 20, New Lorthrop
Cody Loll, 20, New Lorthrop
“Personally I don’t care. It depends on where you work. But, I think it should be allowed.”

Seth Williams, 21, Bay City
Seth Williams, 21, Bay City
“I would never get a tattoo myself, but it doesn’t bother me when other coworkers have them.”