Factory to fine arts


By Brandi Miller, staff reporter.

Timothy Comtios, 41-year-old Delta student, has spent most of his time after high school working at Plastatech Engineering, but today he is finishing up his last year at Delta College with a fine arts degree.

“I grew up in the banks of Bay City, and that’s kind of what you did. You found a job in a factory because it was considered stable,” says Comtois.

During the summer, Comtois took all the online classes he could. He says that balancing work and school has been difficult for him but whenever he comes home his family is always there for him. He says that his family was “so supportive” with his decision to go back to school.

“I’ve always liked art, I have 41 years of practice,” says Comtois. When asked what kind of art he enjoys he said all of it, but his main focus is charcoal and graphite. Comtois tries to turn every assignment into his own.

Comtois will have his fine arts degree this April. He says that he would like to get his bachelor’s degree from Saginaw Valley State University. After getting his bachelor’s, Comtois’ main goal is to become a teacher while also being a studio artist. He says he would preferably like to teach at the college level, but he would also enjoy teaching high school.