Delta students are trying to change the world

By GREG HORNER, Staff Reporter and DOMINIC SEVILLA, Guest Reporter.

Delta students want to change the world; whether it’s mental health, world hunger or vaccines the students of POL- 104 are challenging students to get involved.

For Zach Lang and Samantha Huizar, students of Ryan Petersen, issues of animal cruelty extend far beyond just the home. The two students decided to tackle the issue, and asked students to reach out to the Humane Society to make a difference.

“We started today, and have been here all morning,” said Huizar. “If you go to the Humane Society’s website, they offer several ways to help.”

Huizar and Lang are presenting their information Monday March 16 and Tuesday March 17. If you’re interested in checking out their display, Huizar and Lang said they only spent a few minutes on the project.

For Ronald Villanova, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) issues are the issues of friends and family. Villanova is asking students to sign petitions, his goal is to receive over 100 hundred signatures and share student concerns with local lawmakers.

“It’s important to me because I have friends and family in the LGBT community and I see no reason they can’t get married.”

Villanova hopes to see gay marriage legalized in every state, but he’s doubtful it will be passed in Michigan soon. “I want to say it will be legalized, but I’m doubtful with Republicans controlling the state.”

Keegan Metz is also concerned with LGBT rights in the area; he’s written a letter expressing the importance of equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender orientation. Metz is also asking students to sign their names to the letter, he will then share it with local lawmakers both Democratic and Republican.

The chosen politicians for Metz’s letter include Rep. Charles Brunner, Senator Mike Green, Rep. Vanessa Guerra, Sen. Jim Stamas and Rep. Gary Glenn.

Delta student, Isaiah Marr acted as the master of ceremonies and encouraged students to come up and speak. During the day Marr shared his experiences with drug addiction, and how he struggles to overcome it.

Make sure to change your world throughout the week; while today’s topics included LGBT issues, animal rights and domestic violence there are still several more topics that will be discussed throughout the week including: PTSD, sex trafficking, and alcohol abuse.

Change Your World Week will run until Wednesday March 18 with a variety of student groups demonstrating their issues. Students are invited to stand up and share their issues with classmates and peers.