Delta College performs Beauty and the Beast one last time before going into the vault
By Emma Blakley
UNIVERSITY CENTER – The Delta College Drama department performed Beauty and the Beast: the Broadway Musical at their sold-out show Nov. 14-17.
The story begins with a young prince who is transformed into a beast by a curse; the only way to break the curse is by learning to love. Years later, Belle’s father, Maurice, sets off through the woods to the invention fair. Maurice takes a wrong turn and is taken to the Beast’s castle. Belle must find a way to help her father and eventually, save herself. Singing and talking objects help Belle and the Beast realize the only way to break free from the spell is through the power of love.
Lead actors for Belle/Les Filles La Ville, Beast/Young Prince/Prince, and Chip would switch between these roles and perform in the ensemble. Actors switched roles every other performance.
The performance ran for two and a half hours, with an intermission.
Production started in August, with cast auditions followed by building of the set. At the end of 2024, the play will be put into the vault. Meaning, there are to be no more performances of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: the Broadway Musical (until it is taken out of the vault).
At the end of the performance, Director Dr. Beth Heyart opened the floor to the audience to ask the cast and crew any questions. Questions ranged from set production, costume design, and the physical requirements of the performance.