By Sesa Graham
I significantly remember as a young girl loving that my birthday was a week before Christmas. I mean,
double the gifts, right? As I got older, a part of me stopped enjoying my birthday as much. It seemed that
while some celebrated my day of birth, others were too busy stressing about Christmas. My family
stopped getting together for my birthday since they would see me the following week, which makes
sense, I guess.

Now at 24, almost 25, I sometimes wish my birthday wasn’t right before Christmas. I don’t like the snow,
I despise the cold, and it just doesn’t seem that important anymore. But sometimes, I wish I could go back
to the mindset of that 12-year-old kid I once was. Going into my 25th birthday, I will share ways to
make a December birthday memorable because birthdays should feel that way no matter the month.
5 Ways to Make a December birthday special
- Don’t combine birthday gifts. If you wouldn’t do it for someone with their birthday in April,
don’t do it for someone whose birthday is in December. If you combine gifts, you might as well
tell them their birthday isn’t that significant. - Show up. It doesn’t matter what age, that birthday boy or girl will never forget whether or not
you came to their 9th or 22nd birthday party/dinner. - Play up just how special it is to have a birthday in December. I mean, how cool is it that they
get to celebrate a birthday in December? There’s magic all around this month. - Turn the Christmas tree into a Birthday tree. Put their favorite ornaments on a tree with their
favorite colored lights. It gives that extra above and beyond to really make their birthday feel like
it’s theirs. - Enjoy the day. A birthday is significant because it is the day someone came into this world, so do
something they will enjoy with the people they love. I mean, it’s December. Go ice-skating, build
a snowman, have a hot cocoa party, create a winter wonderland. The day belongs to them. Don’t
let Christmas take away from that.
There are many different ways you could surprise a Sagittarius or Capricorn for their birthday this season. So if you
can pull off these five ways, you will surely make this year the most memorable one yet.