Collegiate Commentary: Government concerned about possible cancer cure

By Aubrie Smith, copy editor.

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, a physician based out of Houston, TX, says he may have cured cancer, and the government is freaking out.

Reason? According to Burzynski’s documentary, “Burzynski: The Movie,” the government doesn’t like it.

Dr. Burzynski has been fighting to cure people of cancer since the 1970s, and has continued fighting to this day. First by battling the FDA, and now battling the United States Government in a pending lawsuit against his practice. The problem with his methods? According to the FDA, and the National Cancer Institute, his treatment plan.

As the National Cancer Institute states, “Antineoplastons are drugs composed of chemical compounds that are naturally present in the urine and blood. They are an experimental cancer therapy that is purported to provide a natural biochemical substance that is excreted and therefore lacking in people with cancer.”

The institute also goes on to say that antineoplastons cause serious neurological side effects and, though their success is undergoing investigation, no studies have been published showing the effectiveness of this treatment option.

Burzynski’s hope still seems to be high, however. According to his website, “When Antineoplastons are approved, it will mark the first time in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a paradigm-shifting medical breakthrough.”

So, what does the government have to be worried about? In short, our Health Care system runs through privatized companies. These pharmaceutical companies profit off of our illnesses. They want us to be sick. They have nothing to lose– except money. And now, more than ever, people are outraged.

Burzynski recently ended a trial with the Texas Medical Board. Accused of  “selling false hope to families,” on the grounds of an unethical clinical trial, the 15-year fight seems to have finally ended. After being on trial for several months, he faces the possible loss of his licence.

Though the trial ended in May, the verdict will not be released until later this year. So what went on in this 15-year fight? It’s a good thing Burzynski released two documentaries to fill everyone in (availible for purchase through his website).

However, the only good thing that seems to have come from the trial so far, are statistics. According to part one of the documentary (which may be a little bias), only 9 of every 54 patients who endure chemo and radiation were cancer free by the end of treatment, whereas patients who endured Burzynski’s treatment had five times the chance of a full recovery (about 5 in every 20). Information on his websites state that these people who endured his medication came out with no side effects. These findings go against everything the FDA has published about antineoplastons

Whether or not you agree with Burzynski specifically is your own opinion. However, the most concerning point here is the lack of general  knowledge of Burzynski. This man has been fighting to cure cancer for 41 years in the exam room, and 15- years on the stand yet, almost no one can differentiate the name “Burzynski” from a common health physician. If a Bay City doctor claimed to have the cure for cancer, everyone in Michigan would know within minutes, so why have we not heard anything about this guy? Because he’s a quack, or because as it is today, America’s medical field would crumble?