Castle Museum hosts Lunch and Learn for Black History Month

The Castle Museum is holding a Lunch and Learn in honor of Black History Month on Tuesday, Feb. 11.  

The event will be held from 12-1 p.m. at the Castle Museum, located at 500 Federal Ave. in Saginaw.

Every year America celebrates the great achievements of the Black community throughout our nation’s history. The theme for Black History Month in 2025 is “African Americans and Labor,” recognizing the achievements of African Americans and the African American Community in the workforce.  

The Castle Museum in Saginaw is honoring and celebrating these contributions with its ongoing lLunch and Learn event, an event where the community can get together to both eat lunch and learn about a historical topic. This month the event is dedicated to the history of African Americans and labor, in accordance with this year’s theme.  

The event will feature a panel of local speakers, discussing and educating the public on the often-overlooked contributions of Black Americans in the community of Saginaw.  

People are encouraged to bring lunch and join the Castle Museum of Saginaw as they honor these great contributions to our community.