Board of Trustees approves selection criteria for Saginaw satellite campus


The Delta College Board of Trustees approved site selection criteria for the new Saginaw center. Approving the criteria will allow the administration to move forward with the evaluation and selection of a site for recommendation to the Board.

The Saginaw center site selection criteria includes:

  1. Asset Adjacencies / Amenities
    • Parking. Walking time and distance to amenities. Proximity to public safety. Lights on.
  2. Feasibility / Availability
    • Ownership (who) Current use (what) Acquisition / Demolition (readiness)
  3. Image and Visibility
    • Branding / Identity opportunity. Signature Location.
  4. Land Use and Development Constraints
    • Zoning compatibility. Past development history. Encumberances.
  5. Site Size and Configuration
    • Overall acreage. Dimensions. Flexibility
  6. Transportation
    • Bus, car, bike, walk. Locations. Number of stops / transfers.
  7. Utilities and Infrastructure
    • Water, sanitary, storm, gas, power, telecomm. Streetscape and civic improvements.

Michael Nash, the new Vice Chair of the Board, had one critique of the criteria for selection. “I would like to bring an amendment to the proposal, and I would like to bring cost to the criteria.”

Robert Emrich agreed with Nash’s critique, adding, “ I would like to suggest that cost is in many of these things, but I would like the community to know that one of the things we’re interested in is cost. One of the significant factors in selection of the site is cost.”

The Board then voted to add an amendment to the site selection criteria that would include cost and it was approved unanimously.

Two new Board members took an oath of office at the meeting: Diane Middleton of Bay County and Mary Morrissey of Midland County. Michael Nash of Midland County and Karen Lawrence-Webster of Saginaw County were both re-elected to the Board this past Nov. and also took an oath of office.

The Board has approved the purchase of the Ellucian Recruiter Customer Relationship Management system at a one time cost of $266,231. According to the memo to the Board from Barbara Webb, Director of Business Services, the CRM is “expected to solve multiple problems and guide the College in new directions of providing service and communication with students.” There is an estimated annual recurring cost of $31,059.

The meeting ended with the Board voting to go into a closed session to discuss faculty salary negotiations.

Other topics at the Jan. 13 dinner and board meetings include:

  • Approval of the Board of Trustees 2015 regular meeting calendar
  • Approval of the 2018 academic calendar
  • A presentation on the success of former student Tim Daly who went through the health fitness special program

A presentation on the success of former student Milissa Kraych who went through the LPN program.