The battle for better deals

By Dominic Arthur, Staff Reporter.

Customers of various sizes and ages stood by the doors of their favorite shopping outlets, anxiously waiting for the doors to open and for their Black Friday shopping experience to begin.

Some rocked from side to side, unsure of what they wanted; while others stood like statues, determined to get what they wanted. On the inside, tired eye and regretful employees stood like armed soldiers on the battlefield. Everyone was on a mission and that mission was to make it through another Black Friday – unharmed and, well, happy.

The doors opened and the dense sea of humanity packed in tight as they darted to snag up almost everything in sight. The once neatly stocked and proudly decorated shelves now look like a warzone. Nothing was in its place anymore as people took a “snatch and run” approach. Hearing some customers talk about “good deals” almost felt like I was in the middle of a drug ring.

Full bellied husbands followed their commanding wives around, young couples navigated to their favorite electronics, and lone shoppers weaved in and out going from aisle to aisle.

Amongst the screaming and shouting, there was one woman who took her time and shopped the way she wanted to.

“I like to take my time,” said Flora Pruitt.

The middle-aged woman kept up with the chaotic rush. She even took the time to organize her shopping cart unlike many shoppers.

“For me, it’s just another shopping day. I don’t why people go so crazy. The stuff will be on sale a week later or so.”

Not everyone becomes mad from the Black Friday disease.

“If I like it, I’ll buy it,” said Samantha Hitzeman.

She surveyed her surroundings, “I don’t like throwing random stuff into my cart like some of these people seem to do.”

Along with Samantha was her friend, Kelsey Stephens.

“I’m with her; if I like it, I’ll buy it,” Kelsey continued. “I think it’s kind of funny to watch people run around in a panic for things that they can buy Monday online. But whatever makes them happy, I guess.”

Sean Alvarez rushed around with his arms full of electrical goodies as he panicked for a shopping cart.

“I couldn’t hold on to all of this stuff,” he said. “I should’ve got a cart when I came in, but I wanted to make sure I got my controllers and games before they were gone, y’know?”

With the cheaper sale signs leading people like sheep to the financial slaughterhouse to be stripped, some shoppers left Black Friday defeated.

“It was the busiest Black Friday I’ve done,” Samantha continued. “No, I didn’t get everything [that I wanted] because I couldn’t find everything, but I had fun.”

While some shoppers left Black Friday with a victory under their shopping belt.

“I got this neat bag for $20 bucks that was supposedly worth $100,” Kelsey said. “And then a bunch of other stuff I didn’t need but bought anyways!”