UNIVERSITY CENTER – As of 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, April 7, there are 31 positive cases of COVID-19 in Bay County.
A total of 310 tests were administered in the county as reported in today’s virtual press conference, with two patients having recovered. At this time, no deaths have been reported in the county.
County executive Jim Barcia noted that the number of positive coronavirus cases has seen a sharp increase this past week. As reported last Tuesday, March 31, there were nine positive cases, a number that has now more than tripled.
In spite of this, Barcia also noted that the case count has had a steady increase. The majority of cases were also reported to be located in the 48708 and 48706 zip codes.
“As of today, we take heart that we are not deluged with positive cases,” Barcia said. “[…] But we are at the beginning of a long road, and there will be challenges every step of the way.”
The county hopes to have a COVID-19 call center set up at some point this week, for providing residents with additional, up-to-date information.
In the meantime, the county continues to encourage social distancing — that residents only leave their home when absolutely necessary and practice good hygiene, in order for the increase to remain steady.
“Don’t take that for granted,” warned public health director Joel Strasz. “The situation is very serious and can escalate at any given time, so we hope that people don’t become too complacent.”
Updated information is available at Bay County’s coronavirus web page. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact the county health department at 989-985-4009, extension 6.