Bay County fights coronavirus rumors

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UNIVERSITY CENTER – Bay County is responding to rumors and misinformation circulating about the coronavirus outbreak in Michigan.

Public health officer Joel Strasz announced the launch of a web page dedicated to dispelling false rumors about COVID-19 on the Bay County government website.

“It is imperative that residents rely on trusted and reliable health sources of information regarding novel coronavirus, such as the Bay County Health Department or Center for Disease Control (CDC),” Strasz said in a press release.

The announcement comes shortly after Governor Gretchen Whitmer shot down a rumor suggesting that she was considering a “shelter in place” order, similar to what California put in place Thursday, March 19.

The new web page will stay up to date with other misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bay County wants citizens to report all misinformation, unsubstantiated rumors or questions of authenticity by contacting the county executive office via email ( or by calling 989-895-4130.