Astronomy club to hold public observation of the stars

By Marisa Loranger, CollegiateLife Editor.

Galaxies, globular clusters, and planets are just some of the things that students and the public are able to observe at Delta College. This opportunity to see the night sky is brought to the college by the Astronomy Club.

“Astronomy is a beautiful science. The things we see are so unimaginable it’s hard to believe it’s real,” explains Megan Dubay, Delta College student and Astronomy Club president.

“A Night Under the Stars” is held on Dec. 10, starting at 8 p.m. Guests are asked to meet in room E119, but the observing will be in the Boulder Walkway. The Astronomy Club will provide five to six telescopes for guests to use.

There will be club members and professors to explain the sights that students observe in the telescopes. Kevin Dehne, Aurelian Balan and Adam VanDyke are astronomy professors that will be at the event to educate and help those who show up.

The event will go on no matter the weather; if weather does become problematic the event will be moved inside to the Delta Planetarium, on the main campus, for a virtual tour of the night sky. This is the first time the Astronomy Club is hosting an observation for the public.

The Astronomy Club hopes to continue hosting observations and make a tradition out of it.

“We’d like people to take away, if nothing else, just a little bit of knowledge about our universe. It’s an amazing place. But, maybe you’ll be like me and completely fall in love with it,” explains Dubay.

If you are interested in joining the Astronomy Club, you can email Megan Dubay at