Did you know? The Mars Lander and more

By Jessica Sierocki, Photo Editor.

Where, oh, where did the Mars lander go?

Is our world starting to become like Andy Weir’s “The Martian?” According to CNN, the Schiaparelli spacecraft stopped sending messages around a minute before the expected landing on Mars. Schiaparelli was used as a test whether a probe could successfully land on Mars.

It is possible that the parachute of Schiaparelli deployed earlier than it was supposed to?

Missions control located in Darmstadt, Germany have still not received a signal.

However, it is confirmed that the Trace Gas Orbiter made it into Mars’ orbit Wednesday Oct. 19. The purpose of Trace Gas Orbiter is to investigate the methane content on Mars which can lead to finding signs of life on a planet other than Earth.

All about flu shots

Is the flu contagious? How do I know I have the flu? Where can I get a flu shot if I wanted one? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, you’re looking in the right place.

According to the Saginaw County Department of Public Health, the flu is a contagious illness that is caused by influenza viruses. It can spread by a cough or sneeze by an infected person. Symptoms of the flu include fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, headaches and muscle aches.

Acts as simple as washing your hands, covering your coughs, and getting a flu vaccination are good ways to prevent the spread of the flu. Everyone who is over the age of six months old should receive a flu shot, but be cautious because people who are allergic to eggs should not get the vaccination.

The cost of a flu vaccination is $40 but is covered by most insurances. A few locations that are providing the flu vaccinations are:


  • Saginaw County Department of Public Health
  • Covenant HealthCare Building in Frankenmuth
  • Rehman Health Center in Chesaning


Walking through a virtual reality

Wireless virtual reality goggles are no longer an impossibility. Google is in the process of creating wireless virtual reality goggles that tracks your eye sight so running into doors and walls are a thing of the past.

The goggles would have a built-in computer system and use computer chips to locate objects in a room. But don’t bust out your wallets just yet. The virtual reality goggles are still a work in progress.

According to CNET, Google just purchased the company Eyefluence which specializes in eye-tracking technology which makes the wireless headsets more than just a rumor.