Shows that peaked early and lost their spark

By Josie Dudek, copy editor.

Television shows have become one of the most popular outlets of entertainment. We all have our favorite TV show to unwind to at the end of a long day, but what happens when you go from needing to watch the next episode, to cringing at what your favorite show has become? Unfortunately, this happens more often than we’d like, but what shows make the top five list of TV shows that peaked early, and lost their spark by the end?


5)  The Walking Dead

As much as it pains me to say, The Walking Dead  is turning into one of those shows. Going on season 7, we’ve lost too many characters to feel the original connection we did in the beginning.  With few main characters left, it’s tricky to actually start liking a character, because once you do, they die off. Although, this is the nature of the show, and any viewer should know that going in. But the seemingly deathproof ability of Rick, Carl, Darryl and Carol is getting less and less believable, and with our new villain, Negan, the upcoming season will be interesting to see if the show can get back on its feet. But really , how long can the zombie apocalypse really last before all of the zombies rot away, and the humans die out?

4) Grey’s Anatomy

Yep, sorry ladies, but Grey’s Anatomy

clocks in at #4 on my list. After all of the endless deaths in the show, how could it not? Losing some of our favorite characters is always traumatizing, but after losing George, Izzy and now Derek, there is no recovery. Even while bringing in all of the new characters, the recent seasons will never be as good as the original. There are so many slow spots throughout, and repetitive story lines, it’s hard to stay interested. Shonda Rhymes, it’s time to move on from Grey’s  and focus on your shows that are still fresh.

3) Supernatural

Another show that has gone on for too long is Supernatural.  Along with the consistent deaths and resurrections of Sam and Dean and the everlasting plot-holes on the writer’s end, the show has run its course. Originally, it was only supposed to have five seasons, but after the love it received from the Supernatural  fandom, they decided to continue it on, and they went just a little too far. We all have love for the cemented bond the brothers share, but the lack of consistency in the show has become old. The Supernatural family will always be strong, but the show has become weak and needs to be laid to rest.

2) Dexter

Oh, Dex. The concept of a psychopathic serial killer, who only kills serial killers, was such a good idea to start with. It wasn’t until the writers of the show kept throwing new love interests at Dexter every season, completely ruining the whole “psychopath” part of the character, that the show started to turn sour. Long story short, the writers continuously screwed over characters to the point of no recovery. Deb was a consistent trainwreck, the second I would start to like her, the writers ruined it. Laguerta and Batista, Masuka having a long-lost daughter and so many more random blunders that just didn’t fit. Dexter i s a great case of wasted potential, but the sly serial killer will always have a place in our hearts.

1) American Horror Story

And finally, at #1  perhaps the most disappointing plummet of a show, is American Horror Story  (AHS). With each season having different story-lines, characters and themes, you would think the show would almost never get old, but this does not seem to be the case. Most people would agree that the first three seasons of the show were completely on point. From the characters to the stories they told, AHS was a binge-worthy show worth watching up until the release of season 4 (Freakshow) came, and the show died with it. After Jessica Lange leaves, so does AHS’s credibility, and season 5 was a bust. Ryan Murphy, you should have just quit while you were ahead.