Election 2016 forum to take place on campus

By Phoebe Fries, Guest writer. 

Students who want to be educated about and participate in their future are welcome to join the Election 2016 discussion.

The discussion will be held on Tuesday, April 12, at 7p.m. in the Lecture Theater (G-160). This forum is free and open to the public.

Discussion topics include: the appeal of Donald Trump, feeling the Bern, who’s angry and why?, the demise of the GOP establishment?, and could both Democrats and the GOP have contested conventions?

Participants in the discussion include Delta College’s political science faculty along with attendees. The event will be moderated by Crystal McMorris, English facility member. Debates about unconventional candidates as well as divided parties will also be key topics up for consideration.

Those who are interested may tweet questions for the panelists to answer by including #ForumDelta in a tweet.

For more information contact Lisa Lawrason at lisalawrason@delta.edu.