Who’s running this thing anyway?

Meet the editor of the Delta Collegiate

By Onnie Stone

In 2022, I worked for the Delta Collegiate as a photojournalist. Stuff happened. Now, I’m the editor in chief. 

I came to Delta angry and disappointed at the state of journalism today (believe me, I’ll talk your ear off about it). That anger is, in part, what made me pursue journalism. If news conglomerates won’t give people what they want, at least I would.

This is how I run the Collegiate. A news organization should hold the voices of the community and work alongside the community it serves.

As many of you may understand, my time at college has been a series of trial and error; my time at the Collegiate has been much the same. We are finding the right path for ourselves as we go through college, and student newspapers are finding the right path for journalism in tandem. We’ll have our moments along the way, but that’s just a part of growth.

Every single reader of the Delta Collegiate has my deepest appreciation. We may be the ones crafting the content, but it is each and every one of you that keeps us pushing forward (even if you only grab a copy for the crossword at the end).


After years of rebuilding post-Covid, I am thrilled to announce that the Delta Collegiate staff is at full-capacity! Our team is filled with some of Delta’s finest. If you want to join our ranks, you still can. We will have positions open next semester, so prepare your portfolio and bring us your best!

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