‘I see you’ is a must watch for all thriller fans 

By Courtney Elisech

The number one in Movies Today on Netflix is titled “I see you”  from 2019, and yes, it is as creepy as the title hints at. It is also a phenomenal guessing game until the very last moment that will truly freak you out.

Helen Hunt, Judah Lewis, and Jon Tenny star in this disturbing and very realistic thriller/horror film that surrounds a missing twelve-year-old boy, the detective on the case, and his family that is in turmoil. The show begins with the boy vanishing before leading into the detective’s home life.

You develop an opinion of the characters and their lives, seeing them at what seems to be their worst. As you catch glimpses into each moment the show sets you up to have certain emotions toward each situation or character.

Just as you think the answers are all coming together for the family, the movie switches points of view and you are left confused for a moment or two. But keep watching because your mind is yet to be blown.

New characters are introduced, and you begin to have feelings and connect dots from earlier in the show. This new point of view gives you a new vantage point on the family and detective as well. As the story plays out the plot twists keep coming and you will be left speechless more than once.

At some of the most climactic moments, you won’t even know whom to root for, what character you are sure about, what is the truth, and how the kidnapping in the beginning actually plays into the storyline.

Spoilers will easily give away some of the most shocking moments of the movie if any more is said.

As the film comes to an end a shocking connection is made that will pull together all the moments that you had assumed you knew the answer to.

While there are a variety of aspects to the show that may not all seem to connect, the ending is all that you want it to be and more. You won’t expect what will happen in the last few minutes, and don’t be surprised if your jaw drops at certain points.

The most disturbing part of this movie is that everything is all so realistic. It could all truly happen, every single thing.

This show is a great example of how things are not always as they seem. You have one opinion of everything only to learn it’s not that at all, and then again to find out what it was from a certain point of view still isn’t what was actually happening.

Don’t worry, you won’t get lost if you pay attention. This is a movie you won’t want to be distracted while watching, put the phones away and pay attention. The last 30 minutes are really important and game-changing, but completely useless without the beginning of the movie.

Look away for a few moments to scroll on your phone and you’ll be mad at yourself, and probably rewinding the show.

If you love thrillers and mystery shows that will freak you out, then you need to watch “I see you.”