Biden widens his delegate lead over Sanders

By Bill Badour

UNIVERSITY CENTER – Tuesday, March 17 held primaries for three states: Florida, Illinois and Arizona. The day featured two large states in Florida and Illinois, awarding 219 and 155 delegates, respectively. Arizona awards 67 delegates.

Biden swept the night, winning all of the states.

In Florida, Biden gained 61.9% of the popular vote. Sanders placed in second with 22.8% of the popular vote. Biden, who won every county, was awarded 151 of the delegates. Sanders took 52 of Florida’s delegates.

Illinois also leaned heavily toward Biden, as he won 59.1% of the popular vote. Biden, who won all but one county, earned 93 delegates. Sanders won 36% of the popular vote. 59 delegates were awarded to Sanders from Illinois.

Arizona, the closest race of the night, was won by Biden. After winning 43.6% of the popular vote, he was awarded 37 delegates. Sanders won 31.7% of the popular vote. For his performance, Sanders received 28 delegates.

Ohio was originally scheduled to hold its primary on this day but was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Just hours before polls opened, Ohio cancelled their primary after their health director, Amy Acton, declared a health emergency.

Infographic by Bill Badour